Trufforum VIC Activities Program
5th Vilanova de Prades Black Truffle Fair
Sunday February 13 | Fairground of Vilanova de Prades (Municipal soccer field)

9:00 a.m.
Official opening of the Fair and popular breakfast (soccer field).
9:45 a.m.
Competition of Tuber aestivum in the cultivation of Tuber melanosporum in a context of climate change.
Irrigation and mulch application.
Yasmin Piñuela, Natural Agrotechnologies (Atens)
10:00 a.m.
Opening of the Fairgrounds, Truffle Market and km.0 products, tapas with truffles and wine tasting (soccer field).
11:00 a.m.
Showcooking the Truffle Cuisine with chef Rafael Múria from the Quatre Molins restaurant in Cornudella de Montsant, awarded a Michelin star for the second year (Sala El Casal).
12:15 p.m.
5th Truffle Dog Contest (football field).
Registration to:
2:00 p.m.
Truffled food at the Recinto Ferial (soccer field).
3:30 p.m.
End of the Fair.
